Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I spent the day today in the computer lab, but don't you worry, I didn't get anything done.

Most of my group for my final project was there and we decided since we were done, we would play a little Left4Dead as to help with team member commodore. Or kill an hour or so by killing zombies or, while playing the multiplayer (2-8 players) taking turns being humans and zombies, trying to kill the others. I know. Totally awesome.

Left4Dead comes with such great tag lines as:

It got me to thinking though. I'm friends with my teammates, and even the TAs. We had the one of the TA's brothers there today and we had a great time trying to kill each other.

It made me grateful for the fact that I can easily make friends with people. I may be very quiet, but I have a true gift to be able to make friends. I should embrace it more.

Oh, and I forgot to say, I think my favorite zombie to be is the boomer. It throws up on the humans which in turn blinds them with vomit and attracts a zombie horde. You can see him below:


Marcelina Moreno said...

I can't believe I'm the first one to leave a comment on your blog. I really feel special. I have been seeing signs for that game all over the place, but I had no idea what it was. I'm not a fan of video games. I know I'm lame, but for some reason, people still love me.

Mojo said...

Lame?!?! You mean awesome!