Tuesday, December 16, 2008

uneventful day

Yeah, well, I know. A shocker. I have such awesome, amazing life that it may come to shock you that I do have uneventful days. I mean, no cars on fire, no red-nosed-reindeer quotes, nothing.

Q:What's the best part about an uneventful and a slow day at work?

A: The view from inside work is breathe-taking.

A gorgeous blizzard comes into town and last until afternoon. Oh white pillowy beauty. I love the snow. I think that's why I like Utah. Although the snow only lasts a short while, I truly it beautiful.

1 comment:

Marcelina Moreno said...

Um, morgan. I don't know if you are aware but the postman delivers mail even when it's snowing. so now you have no excuse to not send my cd! especially not when you spend time blogging about how you have nothing to do. I'm waiting.