Friday, October 30, 2009

art attack!

So I've been doing some work with Charcoal in my art class. I'd say I'm getting pretty good. I've only done three drawings so far in the medium. The first was only three hues: white, shadow, black. I decided not to take pictures of that one 'cuz it's not quite as interesting. So here was my first attempt at a whole range of hue:

I sadly was unable to finish Pooh Bear, but what can you do, right? Next, one especially for Halloween:

They were teddy bears with Halloween masks intermingled with baby dolls.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

going places

Here is Mojo's daily attire (due to work dress codes):

Here's Mojo's mode of transportation across campus:

Yes, it's quite the sight to see. Although what is more interesting are the looks from people watching me streak past them in a blur of solid colored shirt and striped tie. There are mainly three different looks that I tend to see. All of which, I saw today. To make the explanation of easier to understand, I refer to NBCs The Office:

Firstly, there is the Jim Halpert. This normally comes from non-longboarders:

Secondly, the Dwight Schrute. This comes from those who walk in the bike lane:

Lastly, my personal favorite. The Michael Scott. This look comes from longboarders, especially the longboarders that I know personally:

Not too long ago, I was leaving my art class and someone in the class came up to me and asked, "Hey, do you longboard." My class is at night and the materials are to cumbersome to carry while longboarding so it doesn't come with me to class. I responded with a resounding yes. She then told me that she had seen me longboarding across campus that day and thought to herself that it was so funny to see someone dressed like a businessman riding a longboard across campus... twice.

I somewhat like being that type of spectacle on campus. I'm hoping that I get some sort of nickname like, "Longboarding Business Guy," or "Necktie Boarder." Something like that. Readers, see what you can do about that.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

poor, poor (totally awesome) mojo

My adventures for this week can all be seen in this informative and hilarious fake web ad:

2009-10 Season Pass to Brighton Ski Resort: $215

New Boots: $110

New Bindings: $100

New Board: $200

A new friend at Sports Autority who told us that we could go boarding with him as long as 2.0 doesn't make him tie her boots for her: Priceless.

For everything else, there's credit card debt. Accepted most anywhere but hardly acceptable.

Yeah. That's right readers. I'm so ready for this jump into awesomeness. Plus, just OWNING the gear makes me cool, let alone my sweet skills whilst wearing them. Ah, yeah.

2.0 and I went back to Sniagrab on Saturday and got our best friend (whom we met our first time there) to help us get the rest of the gear. Toni (aka, 'bluetooth') helped me pick out a good board and some awesome bindings.

Afterward we headed to Costco to meet up with some other friends and get some shopping done. It was fun running around the isles, pointing out great eats, trying samples of lime roasted shrimp and BBQed Beef. Nothing beats going there on a Saturday.

We were there with 2.0's little sister J who was extremely late getting home for a family party (which 2.0 was only planning to stop-by for some time during the night). We drove out and said hello to everyone. Well, it was quickly evident that we should stay (steaks on the grill) so we helped fix dinner and ate with the entire family. Now when I say entire family, I'm not exaggerating when I am saying ma and pa, 4 siblings, 6 nieces and nephews NOT including the 2 babies. It was a full house.

We had a great time talking a playing with the kids. I even found out I have a class with 2.0's brother. Who knew? Darn that university for having a class of 200 students!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

it's completely linux based...

For those of you who have never seen Criminal Minds, it's a show about FBI agents who get called into areas to help solve crimes. There was one episode I watched once where the main computer-wiz was out and someone had to take over her job for a little while. The new tech said after a shocked look on his face, and I quote:

"It's completely Linux-based!"

Okay. I'm a computer geek. That is not being refuted. But to be completely honest, that would be like me walking into a bakery and saying, "Wow. This cake is made from flour!"

Yes Linux isn't that well advertised in the "land of the norms" (non geeks) but still...

To get to my story, I've been wanting to create a computer recently with a good coax input running a linux operating system. My reasoning? I can take an old computer, put a fairly lean OS on it, and use it as a cheap DVR. It's not like I couldn't just get one from the cable company, but it's more about the adventure.

That was a few months ago. I never got around to doing it. I've had two torn apart computers sitting in my room since the beginning of summer with the full intention of doing said project. Many months later... time to get rid of the mess.

I took the computers to my local BestBuy and said my last goodbyes. I figure, if I really want to do it in the future, I can always find an old computer. There' no real need to keep them lying around in the off chance that I DO have time work on it.

That being said, with Snow Leopard (Mac OS 10.6) now installed on my computer, my virtual machine program no longer worked so I lost my Virtual Windows machine. I got a new program, and reinstalled Windows... and Ubuntu (Linux)... and Mythbuntu (A branch of Ubuntu with DVR programs installed). Yeah. Might as well mess with them before I start building a machine...

Baby steps...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

v jack

For those who don't read my school blog, (and who would?) I just thought you would enjoy last night's adventure:

Need I say more?

Friday, October 9, 2009

adventure 101

The blogoshere is interesting. It's a place where you can read updates about poeple's lives, food they've eaten, diseased cats, adventures in Mexico, anything really. Although there is one catch the whole process: updating.

I have a writing class this semester that has an assignment to write a blog post and comment on someone else's blog each week. This seemed like a simple task when I first started the class, but I have quickly started seeing blogging as "an assignment" rather than a release from assigned work. This is depressing. VERY depressing. This "assignment" feeling flowed over into this blog too.

So I need to think of a way to make blogging into the fun time again. Originally it was a girl who got me into the whole thing. Girls come and go, but blogs shouldn't have to. I really want to make sure to update this puppy as much as possible. I think that's why I started the blog with the theme of being thankful. It gave me something to write about.

Hence, Adventure 101.

I'm going to try and give as many examples of the adventures of my life as possible. I'm thinking once a week is going to be much easier than daily or sporadically.


We watched a cute 7 year old at our house this week. She stayed with us for two nights and she slept in the basement (scary for a 7 year old) next to my room. The best part? My father decided that Coraline would be a good fun movie to watch right before bed. Tim Burton movies always set the mood for a delightful and restful evening.

3:30 am: "Morgan... Morgan... I had a bad dream. It was about spiders."

She's adorable. We went back into her room, talked for a second, and then she went back to bed.

All-in-all, it was pretty fun with her. She's totally cute and has enough energy to power most of Europe for 6 months.