Friday, January 9, 2009

couch potato

Okay, this time I have pictures of our shenanigans... although sadly, I forgot my camera, so it's all cell phone pictures:

Yes, after the snow storm, we got a snow blower, many shovels and got to work building a snow-ten-person-holding couch. We then proceeded to watch Cool Runnings all huddled together under (and over) blankets (and tarps).

We were closer up the canyons, so the temperatures were maybe a little different, but it's showing 23 degrees F (-5 C) right now where I live. Yeah. I was cold.

But what can I say, [suave voice] snuggled up with some cute lady friends, [speaking deeper and sexier] keeping each other warm. [eyebrows raised] All right.

Seriously though. What an awesome idea (Dennis, you take credit now). The snow couch was HUGE. We could all sit with only our feet dangling off. There were arm rests, and even a tall back so that most of us could still rest our heads. It's just nice to be in a warm bed now.

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