Tuesday, February 10, 2009

the 2d 3d world

A crazy week, but after a weekend of Jello and toys, can it go anywhere but down? I finished my project though. Steve and I worked hard, and we didn't get EVERYTHING we wanted to work in it, so the video is missing the last line of "See, Bob liked it." But I can't complain.

[blogger apparently can't handle the awesomeness of this video, so check out youtube]

Here are some screenshots of the programs that I've been using. Thanks Valve and Wikipedia!

Faceposer (just like it sounds. Make the "actors" move and look the way you want)

Hammer (3D environment creator)

I know. It's a pretty awful joke, but you can't expect much more from a computer science student.

Life is going well though. I feel good. Sunday was anything but the pinnacle of "stress-free," but really, I feel good. I'm feeling more relaxed then I have been, but I still think that I should get a massage. I've gotten into Lost. I know, I know, I can't believe it either. I used to be so good and NOT getting suckered into trends. Now here's the sad part... I've been lent the DVDs of the first season. I know. Death.

So I'm just pointing this out... it's almost Friday. You may be thinking to yourself, "Dork. Why would that matter?" Well, let me tell you. If today is the 10th, that makes Friday the.... yep, you got it... Friday the 13th. [falling off a cliff scream] oh man! it's friday the 13th! oh my gosh!

What am I going to do? Dunno yet. I'm thinking it's going to be something awesome though.

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