Wednesday, March 3, 2010

onward and upward

Okay readers (and Google Buzzers), it official.  I put in my two weeks.

I went in and spoke with my boss and made it unofficially official.  The unofficial comes from the fact that we're going to count the two weeks as of tomorrow.  So that makes tomorrow officially official.  

Leaving is bittersweet.  I have learned a lot from my job and I adore the people that I work with.  They are pretty awesome so I'm sad to say goodbye.

But don't worry.  (I know you were worrying.)  I have something else lined up.  In fact, I was offered the position today. (Which is why I put in the two weeks.  Both jobs would be too much for me)  I am going to have an amazing new job that I am very excited about.  Want to know what it is?  Well, I'll tell you.  Just keep reading.  It's just after this... Wait for it... wait for it...

duh ba duh ba duh ba duh ba duh ba duh ba duh ba  (That's a drum roll)

KA-TCSHHHHHHH!  (That's the symbols that usually follow drum rolls)

I'll be working for the University.  Ah yeah baby!  I'm going to be designing curriculum to promote Engineering (with an emphasis on the Computer Science Department of course) in highschools around here.  I'm going to be picking a topic that interests me, make some module (lesson) that I can share and then go and share it.  I know.  Can you imagine me teaching some aspect of why CS is so awesome?  'Cuz I can.  And I will.  

Ideally, I'll be writing it so that others can take my module and teach it themselves in the future.  I'm EXTREMELY excited about it.  

So if you have any ideas on something that I can do (and I'm sure I'm going to get 30 buzzes from my friends about making a remote fart noise maker or something similar) comment/buzz and let me know.  

Yay for an awesome new job!

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