Sunday, January 17, 2010

spring semester here i come

So yet another semester has begun, and we all know what that means… time to pay lots of money so I can be poor again! Yay!

So I tried to come up with some good ways to cut costs in any way I could. I sold one of my textbooks online. It was the first textbook that I have ever sold back at any point. I got $60 for the book so it’s a wonder why I haven’t done it in the past. So I’ve got that going for me. All the other textbooks are sadly outdated because they co
me out with a new edition every year… just to screw with me…

So I’ve decided to cut cost by trying something new: Renting a textbook. is a website that will rent textbooks. It’s a genius idea. I head about the website in my Biology class. One of the other students brought up the fact that you can rent from them which is perfect for my needs… I don’t need more textbooks lying
around my room for years to come. Plus, with the website, because they are trying to promote reprinting of books and going green, they plant a tree for each book that you rent. How cool is that? Plus, when I ordered, it was $20 cheaper than buying used online.

So my Biology book came in the mail yesterday.

It came with some great goodies. First, the book. Because without that, this would be a pretty pointless transaction.

Next, a small explanation about the tree that was planted for renting a book from them

Now, you’d think that was it. NO! Yes, that’s right, a FREE pen

What? Still not convinced at how amazing this company is? Well, don’t worry, there is one more thing that just puts them over the top…

[I left it in the other car. I'll have to post a pic later.]

Yeah. My very own slap bracelet to keep forever and ever. Heck yeah. Could this be any cooler?

Well, I guess if I didn’t have to get a textbook… but let’s stay positive.

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