Wednesday, September 9, 2009

welcome back jerk

I'm sitting in the computer lab waiting for my next class. I feel congested. Not nasally though. Timely. I've had so much to do before noon today that all of yesterday and the beginning of today was nothing but sheer congestion of time and things.

One of my classes (CS 4400 Computer Systems) is pure hell. The information is somewhat interesting, but I'm not seeing any applicable information to me. I like learning about some of this stuff, but it's hard to buckle down especially when the homework is very one-answer oriented. A + B = = C. It's tiring. We went over the homework that we had just turned in. It wasn't looking so good. Let me give you an example:

Is this always true? If not, give an example that would prove it wrong.

Note: What you are looking at is True = True.

Mathematically, yes. It's true. Computer-Sciencely, no. What if y is the Max_min? Negating an already extreme negative maintains its negativity. Mojo got that one wrong.

One after another like that too. Arg.

Ah to be the SOEP again... sigh.

So long SOEP. You're already missed.

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