Sunday, February 1, 2009

from russia with love

Some pictures from the party on Friday...

Nat and I (notice the hot tux)

Kerstin, Sarah, Natalie

Yay for parties!

I know. I look awesome in a tux. I got that out of the closet (more like the storage room) and I haven't worn it in AT LEAST 6 years. Wow. I was surprised that it still fit. It did smell bad being next to the water heater for that long, but what can you do?

Well, tonight, we're picking up the Russians. We're hosting them while they are here for the Special Olympics. I was the lucky one who speaks Russian, so I'm going to be busy this week. I won't have much time, but I guess that I can help when I can. I don't think that many other people who are hosting speak Russian, so I'm expecting a lot of calls. We only have a week before they are going to Idaho for the games themselves.

Notable memories of the day( and family party last night):

-Aunt Sam- "Bob has a magnificent organ." -Dad - "I've heard rumors..."

Salle and Nathan's sunday school class inturupted by a four-year-old, "I can feel my bones."

Christmas in February miracle, Brenda found her camera, and I posted the photos

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