Sunday, February 15, 2009

the sky is falling, the sky is falling

Okay, I know. Two posts in one day. What the junk? Well, I thought this was note worthy enough that I couldn't keep my readers in the dark...

I've spent the last while (all of today in fact) studying for an online test that I have. I didn't realize until almost too late that there was a review posted online. This was due to the fact that there was a typo on the email from my teacher explaining about the review.

The exam covers lessons 1-8. Since the exam's objective questions come from the same question pool used for lesson quizzes[ps, internal note... how cool is that?], you can prepare for the objective portion by taking lesson quizzes over and over. There should also be an exam review once you complete lesson 8.
Well, little did he fail to mention was that every time he typed 8, he meant 9. I looked online for the review for a while, and I thought to myself, "oh. Guess there isn't a REAL review, just the lesson quizes." Wrong. Try looking at the bottom of lesson 9 and there is was. Yippy.

So as I spent the entire day studying away, I had to take periodic breaks for sanity purposes. In one instance, I stood up, stretched while putting my hands on the ceiling (heavenly) when lo and behold, my hand went THROUGH the ceiling. Now, I'm not engineer (except a software engineer, but that's besides the point) but I'm pretty sure that hands are NOT supposed to do that.

Note: That hole doesn't seem to fit the style of the ceiling design.

Oh yes, and as we picked at the hole, a load of water started to make its way into my humble abode. I know. Awesome.

I'm just thankful that nothing happened to my laptop, which was sitting almost directly below it as I was studying. I couldn't imaging losing all my notes for my open-note test just minutes before taking it. Oy. Someone is smiling upon me today.

look who's talking 2

So we have two little babies in our family. We talk about them, and how much we love them, and here's the funny thing. They aren't born yet.

These two kids are so loved and adored, and yet we haven't even seen them yet. One of them, we don't even know if it's a boy or girl (But is called "Brian"). I'm so excited to have more babies in the family.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

the 2d 3d world

A crazy week, but after a weekend of Jello and toys, can it go anywhere but down? I finished my project though. Steve and I worked hard, and we didn't get EVERYTHING we wanted to work in it, so the video is missing the last line of "See, Bob liked it." But I can't complain.

[blogger apparently can't handle the awesomeness of this video, so check out youtube]

Here are some screenshots of the programs that I've been using. Thanks Valve and Wikipedia!

Faceposer (just like it sounds. Make the "actors" move and look the way you want)

Hammer (3D environment creator)

I know. It's a pretty awful joke, but you can't expect much more from a computer science student.

Life is going well though. I feel good. Sunday was anything but the pinnacle of "stress-free," but really, I feel good. I'm feeling more relaxed then I have been, but I still think that I should get a massage. I've gotten into Lost. I know, I know, I can't believe it either. I used to be so good and NOT getting suckered into trends. Now here's the sad part... I've been lent the DVDs of the first season. I know. Death.

So I'm just pointing this out... it's almost Friday. You may be thinking to yourself, "Dork. Why would that matter?" Well, let me tell you. If today is the 10th, that makes Friday the.... yep, you got it... Friday the 13th. [falling off a cliff scream] oh man! it's friday the 13th! oh my gosh!

What am I going to do? Dunno yet. I'm thinking it's going to be something awesome though.

Friday, February 6, 2009

j-e-l-l-oh, it's alive!

Let's see, what type of fun can you have with Jello?

First comes Moses

Then Kristina and Ginny

Well, here's Moses again, parting the Jello Red Sea...

Yes, he also had a orange jello aura.

And here's the soldiers who followed...

And after completing said story, I jello-through-a-straw-eating competition.

Need we say more?

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I'm astonished
Twice I laugh to disguise
what is within me.
A midday shower no longer soothing
the tired eyes and arms
falling to their rightful sides.
The water is warm here.
The vapor is penetrating.
I haven't found it yet
but I feel like it's not here.
Looking seems oddly disconcerting;
I search anyway.
The light is fogged with enclosed air.
It waits for me to finish,
uninterrupting while openly present.
There are few things like that here
and I start to see myself as two.
One for others.
The other I keep close and closed
maintaining my own selfish protection.
Steam makes me feel malleable.
My instincts tell me I'm not.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

russkiys and card sharks

We've been having fun with our Russian visitors. I've had my phone
with me since Sunday night, always expecting a phone call from
neighbors and friends, asking if I can help with a translation. I
even appended my phone's answering machine message to have, in
Russian, "If you need a translator, please leave a message and I'll
call you back in a few minutes." Fun times.

I think that I have forgotten how different this culture is. They are
so funny. Instantly walking into the house, they asked if they could
have some house shoes. I told them not to worry about it because we
don't normally take off our shoes in a house here, but they insisted
that they CANNOT walk around the house in the same shoes that are
"dirty from walking on the street."

It has been fun having them around though. But holy hannah, my
Russian grammar is awful! I keep catching myself saying things that I
KNOW are not right, but I just spit them out like a bowl of cereal
with 2-week-spoiled milk. (Nice and chunky) I should practice more,
but I don't really have a lot of time (or opportunity) to do that.

So Natalie came over tonight, toured the RFC and met the russkiys.
Sergei (18) blushed way beyond the Soviet flag's crimson red. We all
pointed it out to him, and he got even worse. She and I had a good
time. Let's just point out the awesomeness of the evening:

Kung Pow Shrimp & Lemon Chicken - Both coming from the resturant where
they normally say, "We thought that was you on the phone."
Checkers (a version called "Russian Checkers" that I'm sure does NOT
derive from Russia)
California Speed
Five Crowns
Mojo crying like a baby when he got WORKED at each of the events.
(Including the shrimp)
Delilah crying because she was locked in the bathroom all night (and
because I was crying)

Oh yeah. Totally awesome.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

from russia with love

Some pictures from the party on Friday...

Nat and I (notice the hot tux)

Kerstin, Sarah, Natalie

Yay for parties!

I know. I look awesome in a tux. I got that out of the closet (more like the storage room) and I haven't worn it in AT LEAST 6 years. Wow. I was surprised that it still fit. It did smell bad being next to the water heater for that long, but what can you do?

Well, tonight, we're picking up the Russians. We're hosting them while they are here for the Special Olympics. I was the lucky one who speaks Russian, so I'm going to be busy this week. I won't have much time, but I guess that I can help when I can. I don't think that many other people who are hosting speak Russian, so I'm expecting a lot of calls. We only have a week before they are going to Idaho for the games themselves.

Notable memories of the day( and family party last night):

-Aunt Sam- "Bob has a magnificent organ." -Dad - "I've heard rumors..."

Salle and Nathan's sunday school class inturupted by a four-year-old, "I can feel my bones."

Christmas in February miracle, Brenda found her camera, and I posted the photos