My team for Machinima has been “working hard” on our video. We thought we were done before Spring Break (which sadly ended yesterday) but our teacher wanted us to add some other stuff to make it look a little better. I think that we are going to work on that today and tomorrow in the lab. So that’ll be fun. [huzzah!]
So other than school (and the lack of school last week, sorely needed) not a whole lot has changed in my life, well, except the new love Grete (For those, like me, who were amazed at how that name is spelled, it’s “Greta” but more European.) We’ve been together for a few weeks now, and life is good. Now, the first two weeks were outstanding, but I still had the “new relationship goggles” on. I’ve found some things with Grete that bother me. Now, they are NOT deal breakers, but there they are notable. She knows that I love her so I don’t feel bad about listing the problems that I have noticed on my blog:
1- There is a problem with communication. I just can’t listen to the music she has because she won’t communicate correctly with my other things, so I sit with headphones…
2- Movies are a pain, and it takes a lot of editing and converting to watch movies with her.
3- She has a very low memory threshold
4- This also goes along with the headphones thing. She has no dedicated port…
I’m feeling a little confusion from you my lovely readers. Maybe a formal introduction is in order?
Grete, meet my readers. Readers, meet Grete.
Yes, Mojo spent a ridiculous amount of money on a new fancy-shmancy phone. And yes, I fell in love. Grete is the new (-to-me) phone from Google sold via T-mobile. Grete the G1 (the manufacturer HTC calls it the HTC Dream) is the iPhone equivalent, which for me, has a lot of perks above the iPhone but also Apple knew what they were doing and HTC somewhat missed the boat on. ie
iPhone: Limited on programs that you can install and use
G1: You choose whether or not you want “Google Non-approved” apps on the phone (use discression)
iPhone: Dedicated headphone port (you can charge it and listen to music at the same time)
G1: Only one input port (mini USB – so charge OR listen on headphones via USB to headphone jack converter cable)
iPhone: Sexy
G1: Sexy
iPhone: AT&T [gag]
G1: T-Mobile and unlocking capability for use on most wireless networks. [huzzah]